PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Demirci, Selman M AU - Alp, Mehmet AU - Marur, Tania AU - Akkın, Salih Murat AU - Yalcın, Levent TI - Innervation pattern of the pronator teres muscle DP - 2007 Jun 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 838--840 VI - 28 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2007 Jun 01; 28 AB - OBJECTIVE: To determine the innervation patterns of the pronator teres muscle (PTM), which is used as a donor in muscle transfer.METHODS: This study was conducted from 2001-2006 at the Anatomy Department of the Medical Faculty of Cerrahpasa, University of Istanbul. There were 34 upper extremities of 17 fixed adult cadavers dissected.RESULTS: The classical pattern of innervation by the superior and inferior branches of the median nerve was observed in 19 of the cases (55.9%). In 4 forearms (11.8%) one branch in 10 (29.4%), 3 branches (2 humeral, 1 ulnar) and in one (2.9%), 4 branches (3 humeral, 1 ulnar) were found to be innervating the muscles.CONCLUSION: In all cases, the humeral and ulnar head of the PTM was innervated separately. These variations are of great importance during transfer of PTM.