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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 11, 2011

Increased urinary neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin in urinary tract infections and leukocyturia

  • An-Sofie C. Decavele , Lien Dhondt , Marc L. De Buyzere and Joris R. Delanghe EMAIL logo


Background: Neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) is a protein present in neutrophils. NGAL is a promising biomarker for acute kidney injury. In urinary tract infections, urinary neutrophils can be a potential source of urinary NGAL. We investigated the effects of urinary tract infection and urinary neutrophil counts on urinary NGAL values.

Methods: NGAL was assayed using an immunoassay (ARCHITECT). Urine flowcytometry was performed with the UF-1000i (Sysmex).

Results: A correlation between the urinary white blood cell (WBC) count and NGAL concentrations was observed: log(Y) (NGAL, μg/L)=1.284+0.439 log(X) (urinary WBC, 109 cells/L); r=0.518. Similarly, the bacterial count correlated weakly with NGAL: log(Y) (NGAL, μg/L)=1.796+0.124 log(X) (bacterial count, 109 cells/L); r=0.243. Albuminuria correlated moderately with NGAL values: log(Y) (NGAL, μg/L)=1.557+0.339 log(X) (albuminuria, mg/L); r=0.368; α1-microglobulin (a1M) correlated weakly with NGAL: log(Y) (NGAL, μg/L)=1.631+0.360 log(X) (a1M, mg/L); r=0.381.

Conclusions: Leukocyte contributions to urinary NGAL concentrations can be important. In leukocyturia or tubular damage (e.g., intensive care patients), using a fixed cut-off value for interpreting urinary NGAL data can lead to false positive results. Therefore, we suggest a mathematical correction in cases with pyuria (>100×109 cells/L) and urinary NGAL concentration >100 μg/L: corrected NGAL (μg/L)=NGAL–0.12 (urinary WBC, 109 cells/L).

Corresponding author: Prof. Dr. Joris R. Delanghe, Department of Clinical Chemistry, Ghent University Hospital, De Pintelaan, 185 (2P8), 9000 Ghent, Belgium Phone: +32 9 332 29 56, Fax: +32 332 49 85

Received: 2010-10-11
Accepted: 2011-1-9
Published Online: 2011-03-11
Published in Print: 2011-06-01

©2011 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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