Does social support affect development of cognitive dysfunction in individuals with diabetes mellitus? ====================================================================================================== * Hakan Yaman * Aylin Yaman * Ramazan Vural ***To the Editor*** We read with great interest the article of Yilmaz et al,1 which is investigating the effect of social support on cognitive impairment in diabetics. The cognitive impairment in diabetes is dependant on a complex mechanism, which cannot be simply explained by insulin secretion and glucose metabolism alone. Factors based on hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, and abnormal insulin effects have been reported to contribute to diabetes-related cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment could cover vascular cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease related symptoms.2 Long-lasting hyperglycemia may impair synaptic plasticity and causes abnormalities in cerebral capillaries. Repeating, severe hypoglycemia, and increased second hour postprandial glycemic, fasting insulin, and insulin resistance levels may cause cognitive impairment. Prolonged hyper-insulinemia inhibits the insulin transport into the brain tissues, which might cause deficits in cognition due to a neuroglial energy crisis and amyloid accumulation. Lower insulin in cerebrospinal fluid inhibits the clearance of amyloid beta protein. Especially the management of vascular risk factors, glycemic control and symptomatic pharmacotherapy are the mainstay of dementia treatment.3,4 The cut-off value of the Turkish Mini Mental State Examination to determine mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has been determined as 23/24 (sensitivity=0.91 and specificity=0.95; positive predictive value =0.90 and negative predictive value =0.95).5 According to this study, setting the cut-off value to 24/25 would mean a decrease of 10% of real negative MCI’s. Further, the share of literate participants in this study was 31.4%. The manual of Mini Mental State Examination respondents need an educational level of at least 5 years and patients with lower educational level qualify for the Modified Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE-E) for Turkish illiterate patients.7 This had to be considered during the study. According to TURDEP-II, which is a community-based study covering whole Turkey, mean HbA1c levels of newly diagnosed diabetes ranged between 5.9-7.6%. In this study,1 the mean level of the sample was 10.78±2.74%, which is higher than the average level in community. A clarification, if the authors chose a study population with low glycemic control needs to be made. The authors mention that more than half of diabetics might have cognitive dysfunction.1 Large-scale epidemiological studies are supporting this and are reporting an increased 2-3 fold higher incidence in dementia in diabetics, where the relative risk for Alzheimer’s disease was between 1.8-2.27 and for vascular dementia was between 1.82-2.77.2 The study of Yılmaz et al1 is an important study shedding light on social support patterns of diabetics with cognitive dysfunction. Screening of patients at primary care level for cognitive problems8 and especially patients with diabetes are certainly important. Male diabetic patients have especially an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease and should be considered among the patients to be screened.2 ***Reply from the Author*** The study in annex is very important to demonstrate the effect of social support on cognitive function in individuals with diabetes. Publishing has been deemed appropriate by us. ***Feride T. Yilmaz*** *Department of Internal Medicine-Nursing School of Susehri Health HighCumhuriyet UniversitySivas, Turkey* Authorship entitlement Excerpts from the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals updated November 2003. Available from []( The international Committee of Medical Journal Editors has recommended the following criteria for authorship; these criteria are still appropriate for those journals that distinguish authors from other contributors. Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, and 3. Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group, alone, does not justify authorship. An author should be prepared to explain the order in which authors are listed. * Copyright: © Saudi Medical Journal This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ## References 1. Yilmaz FT, Sabancıogullari S, Aldemir K, Kumsar AK (2015) Does social support affect development of cognitive dysfunction in individuals with diabetes mellitus? Saudi Med J 36:1425–1431. [Abstract/FREE Full Text]( 2. Kawamura T, Umemura T, Hotta N (2012) Cognitive impairment in diabetic patients: Can diabetic control prevent cognitive decline? J Diabetes Investig 3:413–423. 3. Yaman A, Vural R, Yaman H (2016) Risk Factors of Vascular Cognitive Impairment. Euras J Fam Med 5:1–8. 4. McCrimmon RJ, Ryan CM, Frier BM (2012) Diabetes and cognitive dysfunction. Lancet 379:2291–2299. 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