Can eating nuts have health-protective effects for breast cancer survivors? =========================================================================== **OCTOBER 20, 2021** - Among 3,449 breast cancer survivors from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study who completed a dietary assessment 5 years after diagnosis, there were 374 deaths during a median follow-up of 8.27 years after the dietary assessment. Among 3,274 survivors without a previous recurrence at the time of their dietary assessment, 209 developed breast cancer–specific events, including recurrence, metastasis, or breast cancer mortality. There was a dose-response pattern in the relationship between nut consumption and risk of breast cancer recurrence or death, with those consuming the highest amounts having the lowest risks. Also, the association was stronger for survivors who had earlier stages of breast cancer than for those who had later stages. *Full Citation: “Nut consumption in association with overall mortality and recurrence/disease-specific mortality among long-term breast cancer survivors.” Cong Wang, Kai Gu, Fei Wang, Hui Cai, Wei Zheng, Pingping Bao, Xiao-Ou Shu. IJC; Published Online: October 19, 2021 (DOI: [10.1002/ijc.33824](* *URL Upon Publication: [](* *Copyright © 2021 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., reproduced with permission.* * Copyright: © Saudi Medical Journal This is an Open Access journal and articles published are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (CC BY-NC). Readers may copy, distribute, and display the work for non-commercial purposes with the proper citation of the original work.