PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Khori, Vahid AU - Nayebpour, Mohsen AU - Semnani, Shahryar AU - Golalipour, Mohammad J. AU - Marjani, Abdoljalal TI - Prolongation of AV nodal refractoriness by Ruta graveolens in isolated rat hearts DP - 2008 Mar 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 357--363 VI - 29 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2008 Mar 01; 29 AB - OBJECTIVE: To evaluate concentration-dependent effects of total extract of Ruta graveolens and its purified alkaloid fraction on the nodal basic and functional properties.METHODS: In the present experimental study, we used the Langendorff model for perfusion of isolated rat hearts to determine the effects of various concentrations of methanolic extract of Rue 1.25x10-6 % weight per volume percent [W/V]; 2.5x10-6 % W/V; 3.75x10-6 % W/V and total alkaloid of Rue 0.25x10-6 % W/V; 0.5x10-6 % W/V on electrophysiological properties of cardiac tissue. Selective stimulation protocols were used to independently quantify atrioventricular AV nodal recovery, facilitation, and fatigue. We used 3 groups N=24 of isolated perfused rat AV nodal preparations to assess the effect of Rue extracts. The study was carried out in October 2006 in the electrophysiology laboratory of the Cardiovascular Research Center of Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Golestan, Gorgan, Iran.RESULTS: Our results showed that both the total plant extract and the alkaloid fraction of Ruta graveolens had a similar trend of action on nodal conduction time and refractoriness. Furthermore, we observed increased atrioventricular conduction time 83±4 to 108±5 msec and functional refractory period 157.6±3 to 163.7±4 msec at a maximum concentration of 3.75x10-6 % W/V.CONCLUSION: The above results indicated a potential antiarrhythmic effect of Ruta graveolens in treating supra ventricular tachyarrhythmia.