PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - AlJuaid, Eidha F. AU - Alshehri, Fahad M. TI - Congenital unilateral nasal aperture stenosis DP - 2010 Sep 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1057--1058 VI - 31 IP - 9 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2010 Sep 01; 31 AB - Congenital nasal aperture stenosis is an unusual cause of upper airway obstruction among neonates, and rarely presents as unilateral. Most commonly presents as choanal atresia. A CT evaluation is essential to confirm the diagnosis. Both surgical and conservative management can be applied, based on the severity of the associated clinical presentation; however, the very rare unilateral condition is usually treated conservatively. We present a case of a 30-day-old male baby (second twin, preterm 29 weeks pregnancy, and birth weight 1.070 kg) with difficult breathing since birth. The baby was referred for an ENT consultation. He was on a nasal cannula, not in respiratory distress, with no stridor, nor tachypnea. There were decreased breathing sounds in the left nostril. Nasogastric tubes size 8 French (Fr) and 6 Fr could not be introduced through the left nostril, which looked obstructed more anteriorly.