PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Awad, Sami M. AU - Al-Jumaily, Hamoodi F. AU - Al-Dulaimi, Khalid M. AU - Abdulghafoor, Raid H. TI - Assessment of major risk factors among stroke patients DP - 2010 Sep 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1028--1031 VI - 31 IP - 9 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2010 Sep 01; 31 AB - OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the major modifiable risk factors of stroke among stroke patients in Al-Anbar Province, western Iraq.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out on stroke patients admitted in the Internal Medical Department, Al-Ramadi Teaching Hospital from January to August 2009. Informative and detailed history was obtained concerning the presence of risk factor(s) and essential demographic data. General and neurological examinations, biochemical and laboratory investigations, in addition to brain CT-scanning were performed.RESULTS: In a total of 200 patients, 97 (48.5%) were males, and 103 patients (51.5%) were females. One hundred and sixty-six patients (83%) were more than 50 years old with a mean age of 63.66 years. Ischemic stroke was found in 171 patients (85.5%), and hemorrhagic stroke was found in 29 patients (14.5%). Hypertension was found in 138 patients (69%). Sixty-one (44.2%) of them were males, and 77 (55.8%) of them were females. Diabetes was found in 82 patients (41%), and 37 (45.1%) of them were males, and 45 (54.9%) of them were females. Smokers was found in 66 patients (33%), and 50 (75.5%) of them were males, and 16 (24.2%) of them were females. Multiple risk factors (more than 1) were found in 146 patients (73%).CONCLUSION: Hypertension, diabetes, and smoking were the major risk factors for stroke. People with multiple risk factors are more susceptible to develop stroke.