PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Azarpazhooh, Mohmoud R. AU - Rafi, Shahram AU - Etemadi, Mohammad M. AU - Khadem, Nayereh AU - Fazlinejad, Afsoon TI - The relation between short-term oral contraceptive consumption and cerebrovascular, cardiovascular disorders in Iranian women attending Hajj. DP - 2008 Jul 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1024--1027 VI - 29 IP - 7 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2008 Jul 01; 29 AB - OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the spectrum of probable vascular complications due to short-term oral contraceptives OC consumption.METHODS: In this cohort study, selected Iranian female pilgrims from Razavi-Khorasan, Iran province <50 years old, attending Hajj in 2005 were evaluated. We reviewed their physical examinations, vascular risk factors and OC consumption before Hajj. Pilgrims were followed-up in terms of developing possible vascular complications during Hajj and the following year.RESULTS: This study included 896 individuals and completed follow-up was performed for 642. Theshowed that 782 (87.3%) of pilgrims used OC. One person developed cerebral vein thrombosis, one myocardial infarction, and one deep vein thrombosis. Eighteen patients (2.8%) experienced transient hypertension. Ten patients (1.5%) had migraine exacerbations. The relationship between developed definite vascular complications and OC consumption was not statistically significant in this study p=0.365.CONCLUSIONS: Although vascular complications of long-term OC consumption have been analyzed and proved in several studies, few studies have determined short-term OC consumption effects on the vascular system. It seems that even short-term usage of OC may result in vascular complications, thus further studies with more samples is recommended to determine its safety and complications.