PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Almogren, Adel TI - Airway allergy and skin reactivity to aeroallergens in Riyadh DP - 2009 Mar 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 392--396 VI - 30 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2009 Mar 01; 30 AB - OBJECTIVE: To determine the pattern of skin prick test reactivity to aeroallergens in patients with asthma and rhinitis (airway allergy) residing in Riyadh region.METHODS: This is a retrospective cross sectional study based on data analysis of skin prick test results of individuals with clinical diagnosis of airway allergy.Allergy skin prick test result data of 139 Saudi nationals from Riyadh region tested at King Khalid University Hospital between January 2003 and March 2004 was analyzed retrospectively. This group comprised of 53% females and 47% males, with a mean age of 27 ± 12 years. A set of aeroallergens extracts for both indoor and outdoor allergens including fungal spores was used to test the patients.RESULTS: Seventy-five percent (105) of patients reacted to one or more allergen extracts. The most frequently reacting indoor allergen was house dust mite (77.8%) followed by the cat (33.6%) and cockroach (19.2%). Among the outdoor allergens Prosopis juliflora was tested positive in 72.1%, Bermuda grass in 53.8%, Chenopodium album in 47.1%, Rye grass in 36.5% and Salsola kali in 36.5%. A significant proportion of patients were also found reacting to Moulds (18.2%) and Aspergillus fumigatus (18.2%) extracts.CONCLUSION: Sensitivity to one or more aeroallergens was common in patients, indicating high level of aeroallergen sensitization in patients with airway allergy residing in Riyadh region.