RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Correlates of sexual violence among adolescent females in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia JF Saudi Medical Journal JO Saudi Med J FD Prince Sultan Military Medical City SP 829 OP 834 VO 30 IS 6 A1 Al-Quaiz, AlJoharah M. A1 Raheel, Hafsa M. YR 2009 UL http://smj.org.sa/content/30/6/829.abstract AB OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency, experiences and correlates of sexual violence among female adolescents in Riyadh city, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2 schools in Riyadh city for adolescent females starting from January 2008 for 3 months. Five classes with 25 students in each were randomly selected from intermediate and secondary grade of each school. Four hundred and nineteen students were included. A self-answering questionnaire was distributed and collected after 15 minutes by 3 research assistants.RESULTS: Forty-two adolescent students (10%) were exposed to sexual violence. Only 31% of the students were taught how to react to sexual violence. Students whose order was >/=5th among siblings and who had unsupportive parents in discussing sexual issues were more exposed to sexual violence (x2=4.02, p=0.044, x2=4.24, p=0.039).CONCLUSION: Being >/=5th in order among siblings and having unsupportive parents in discussing sexual issues were correlates for exposure to sexual violence. Being >/=5th in order among siblings and having unsupportive parents in discussing sexual issues were correlates for exposure to sexual violence.