PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Alherabi, Ameen Z. AU - Marglani, Osama A. AU - Gazzaz, Malak J. AU - Abbas, Mohammed M. TI - Paraspinal tuberculosis mimicking malignancy DP - 2013 Dec 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1296--1298 VI - 34 IP - 12 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2013 Dec 01; 34 AB - Tuberculosis (TB) of the paraspinal muscles is a rare clinical entity. We present a case of an 18-year-old, Saudi male patient presenting with the clinical picture of a paraspinal mass that turned out to be paraspinal TB. It originated from the paraspinal tissues and muscles, and invaded the C6 and C7 vertebrae. Initially, it was highly suspicious for malignancy. A biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of TB, and the patient was treated successfully with anti-TB therapy. It is important to be aware that paraspinal TB can mimic malignancy.