PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Al-Akloby, Omar M. TI - Association of atopic dermatitis with primary hereditary ichthyoses DP - 2004 Aug 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1097--1099 VI - 25 IP - 8 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2004 Aug 01; 25 AB - OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to find out the association of atopic dermatitis and other atopic features with primary hereditary ichthyosis (PHI) among Saudi patients in King Fahd Hospital of the University, Al-Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.METHODS: From the out-patient Department of Dermatology logbooks, all Saudi patients with clinically and histopathologically confirmed PHI seen between January 1990 and December 1995 were included in this study. Clinical findings regarding the atopic manifestations of PHI were extracted into data collection forms and computer-analyzed, using Statistical Package for Social Sciences.RESULTS: Over a 6-year study period, 10,455 new patients were seen in our Dermatology Clinics. Of these, 61 had PHI, there were 37 males and 24 females with a ratio of 1.5:1. Atopic dermatitis (AD), diagnosed according to Hanifin and Rajka criteria, was found in 7 (11.5%) patients of PHI; 5 of which were ichthyosis vulgaris and 2 with x-linked recessive ichthyosis. Isolated features of atopy were observed in the form of pruritus 49 (80%), elevated immunoglobulin E 27 (44.3%), dandruff 24 (39%), keratosis pilaris (KP) 15 (25%) and asthma 3 (5%).CONCLUSION: In the present study, there was an 11.5% association between AD and PHI. However, isolated features of atopy were found in PHI in variable proportions ranging from 5-80%.