PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Dong, Rui AU - Li, Kai AU - Liu, Gongbao AU - Zheng, Shan TI - Dual ectopic thyroid with lingual and anterior hyoid ectopic thyroid tissue in a Chinese girl DP - 2012 Oct 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1125--1127 VI - 33 IP - 10 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2012 Oct 01; 33 AB - Ectopic thyroid is not a common disease, and a double ectopic thyroid is extremely rare. We report a recent case of dual ectopic thyroid in an 11-year-old girl mimicking mono-ectopic lingual thyroid on the anterior view of the thyroid scan. The dual ectopic thyroid was shown on the lateral view, with foci in the lingual and anterior hyoid regions, but no thyroid tissue in the pre-tracheal region. She had originally been scheduled for surgery with a diagnosis of neck schwannoma, however, pre-operative thyroid scan and CT scan of the neck revealed the presence of dual ectopic thyroid tissue. Thyroid scan, and either CT, or ultrasonography should be performed routinely in cases presenting with a neck mass to avoid unnecessary misdiagnosis.