PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Alghamdi, Saleh A. AU - Aljaffer, Mohammed A. AU - Alahmari, Faisal S. AU - Alasiri, Ahmed B. AU - Alkahtani, Abdullah H. AU - Alhudayris, Fadhah S. AU - Alhusaini, Bassam A. TI - The impact of low self-esteem on academic achievement and the behaviors related to it among medical students in Saudi Arabia AID - 10.15537/smj.2023.44.6.20230055 DP - 2023 Jun 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 613--620 VI - 44 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2023 Jun 01; 44 AB - Objectives: To measure the prevalence of low self-esteem among medical students in Saudi Arabia and determine its impact on their behaviors and academic achievement.Methods: We hypothesized that the level of self-esteem reflected on the student’s academic performance and linked to some of their behaviors. A cross-sectional study was carried out among students of the medical colleges in Saudi Arabia. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed electronically using social media platforms, socio-demographic data, Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale, and a questionnaire about self-esteem-related behaviors.Results: Of 1099 participants (55.9% females and 50% males), 24.1% showed low self-esteem. Independent significant predictors of low self-esteem were female gender and diagnosis with mental illness. Increasing GPA was associated with better self-esteem. Participating in students’ study groups and attending self-development programs were estimated to be the protective factors against low self-esteem.Conclusion: One-quarter of medical students are assumed to have low self-esteem. Improved GPA ratings positively influence self-esteem, while attending students’ study groups and self-development programs were identified as protective factors for low self-esteem. Further studies are needed to shed more light on this important topic.