PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Koltka, Ahmet K. AU - Dinçer, Müşerref B. AU - Güzel, Mehmet AU - Orhan-Sungur, Mukadder AU - Özkan-Seyhan, Tülay AU - Altun, Demet AU - Gök, Ali Fuat Kaan AU - İlhan, Mehmet TI - Integration of functional capacity to medically necessary, time-sensitive scoring system AID - 10.15537/smj.2023.44.9.20230318 DP - 2023 Sep 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 921--932 VI - 44 IP - 9 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2023 Sep 01; 44 AB - Objectives: To evaluate 2 new modifications to medically necessary, time-sensitive (MeNTS) scoring systems integrating functional capacity assessment in estimating intensive care unit (ICU) requirements.Methods: This prospective observational study included patients undergoing elective surgeries between July 2021 and January 2022. The MeNTS scores and our 2 modified scores: MeNTS-METs (integrated Duke activity status index [DASI] as metabolic equivalents [METs]) and MeNTS-DASI-5Q (integrated modified DASI [M-DASI] as 5 questions) were calculated. The patients’ ICU requirements (group ICU+ and group ICU-), DASIs, patient-surgery-anesthesia characteristics, hospital stay lengths, rehospitalizations, postoperative complications, and mortality were recorded.Results: This study analyzed 718 patients. The MeNTS, MeNTS-METs, and MeNTS-DASI-5Q scores were higher in group ICU+ than in group ICU- (p<0.001). Group ICU+ had longer operation durations and hospital stay lengths (p<0.001), lower DASI scores (p<0.001), and greater hospital readmissions, postoperative complications, and mortality (p<0.001). The MeNTS-METs and MeNTS-DASI-5Q scores better predicted ICU requirement with areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.806 and 0.804, than the original MeNTS (AUC=0.782).Conclusion: The 5-questionnaire M-DASI is easy to calculate and, when added to a triage score, is as reliable as the original DASI for predicting postoperative ICU requirements.