PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Şener, Şenay AU - Göger, Seda TI - Do digital health information searches of individuals with chronic diseases affect health literacy and patient empowerment? AID - 10.15537/smj.2024.45.6.20240158 DP - 2024 Jun 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 617--625 VI - 45 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2024 Jun 01; 45 AB - Objectives: To analyze the relationship between chronically ill patients’ behaviors in acquiring and verifying health information from a digital environment with health literacy and patient empowerment using a structural equation modeling approach.Methods: This study was carried out in a public hospital in Turkey between February and May 2023. The study consisted of 365 participants and used descriptive and correlation-based designs for statistical analyses. It also executed computations for descriptive statistics and correlations to carry out a path analysis to assess model fitness and to identify direct and indirect effects.Results: This study identified that Web 1.0 and health information acquisition and digital verification variables statistically and significantly affected access to information, understanding information, appraisal (valuing)/evaluation, and application/use variables. The study also found that access to information variables was statistically significant on identity/identicalness, self-control, decision-making, and recognition and comprehension. The tested model fit the data well and adequately explained the direct effects of the variables.Conclusion: The study concluded by suggestively improving the chronically ill patients’ media or digital literacy levels through special training to stimulate their internet use effectively.