PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Altammami, Ghida S. AU - Alswayed, Sarah K. AU - AlJasser, Mohammed I. AU - Alkhodair, Rayan A. TI - Dermatological conditions in the intensive care unit at a tertiary care hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia AID - 10.15537/smj.2024.45.8.20240479 DP - 2024 Aug 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 834--839 VI - 45 IP - 8 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2024 Aug 01; 45 AB - Objectives: To evaluate the various skin conditions diagnosed in intensive care unit (ICU) patients.Methods: This is a descriptive retrospective study of all adults, pediatric, and neonatal patients who were admitted to the ICU and had a dermatological manifestation during hospital stay or patients who had dermatological condition that requires ICU admission. All skin conditions were categorized and analyzed.Results: A total of 344 ICU patients with 365 different dermatological conditions were included in the study. The age of patients ranged from less than 1-96 years, with a mean age of 43.6±30.1 years. Of the patients, 189 (54.9%) were males. The top 3 general disease categories observed were skin infections, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, and drug reactions. The most commonly reported dermatological disorders included morbilliform drug eruption (6.8%), contact dermatitis (6.3%), vasculitis (5.5%), herpes zoster (4.6%), purpura due to thrombocytopenia (3.8%), dermatitis/eczema (3.8%), candidiasis (3.8%), infantile hemangioma (2.7%), unclassified drug reaction (2.5%), intertrigo (2.5%), and herpes simplex virus (2.5%).Conclusion: Dermatological disorders can occur at various levels of severity in the ICU. Skin infections, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, and drug reactions were found to be the most prevalent conditions.