PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Alassaf, Hatim I. AU - Alaskar, Yazeed A. AU - Alqulaysh, Bader F. AU - Alshehri, Mohammed A. AU - Alnosian, Moath Y. AU - Alshamrani, Abdulwahab A. AU - Al-Tannir, Mohamad A. TI - Assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practices of Saudi adults about calorie labeling in central Saudi Arabia AID - 10.15537/smj.2020.3.24916 DP - 2020 Mar 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 296--303 VI - 41 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2020 Mar 01; 41 AB - Objectives: To assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of adults regarding the implementation of calorie labeling in restaurants in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 1443 adults invited to complete a self-administered questionnaire consisting of 4 parts that assess demographics, knowledge, attitudes, and practices of mandatory menu labeling. The survey was conducted in all 5 regions of Riyadh.Results: We entered 1265 surveys into final data analysis with a response rate of 88%. Of this, 1036 participants (82%) understood the meaning and values of calories, while 53% knew the average daily caloric intake. Regarding participants’ attitudes, 1053 (83%) perceived the importance of calorie labeling and (88%) supported this policy. Approximately 50% (n=626) of the participants were significantly more likely to be influenced by the calorie labeling to place a healthier order. Married (p=0.050), educated (p<0.001), and higher monthly income (p<0.001) were significantly influenced to place a healthier restaurant order compared to their peers.Conclusion: Adults in Riyadh showed satisfactory knowledge, attitude, and practice since the implementation of this policy. Our findings showed that knowing the value of calories and average caloric intake had a significant positive influence for a healthier diet. This highlights the importance of menu labeling regulations campaigns for the public.