PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - AlTurki, Abdullah A. AU - AlAqeely, Khalid S. AU - AlMugren, Turki S. AU - AlZimami, Ibrahim S. TI - Analysis of femoral fracture post motor vehicle accidents AID - 10.15537/smj.2019.1.21547 DP - 2019 Jan 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 41--44 VI - 40 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2019 Jan 01; 40 AB - Objectives: To identify the prevalence of different types of femoral fractures post-motor vehicle accident (MVA) based on fracture location: proximal, middle and distal.Methods: A cross-sectional study of all femoral fracture post-MVA x-ray charts carried out at the National Guard Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between November 2007 to December 2013.Results: Among the 471 patients reviewed, most fractures were in male (87%) compared with female (13%) victims, with breaks more in the right femur (56%) than the left femur (44%). As for location of the femur fracture, middle fractures (64%) exceeded proximal (26%) and distal fractures (10%). The most common age group was between 16-30 years, representing 56% of these fractures.Conclusion: Prevalence of the femur fracture location varies depending on gender, age, and other factors.