PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - AlRahabi, Mothanna K. TI - Root canal treatment in elderly patients AID - 10.15537/smj.2019.3.23769 DP - 2019 Mar 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 217--223 VI - 40 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2019 Mar 01; 40 AB - Life expectancy has increased as a result of advancements in health care services; thus, maintaining healthy dentition is an important factor in overall health. Furthermore, the growing desire of elderly patients to maintain their teeth has led to an increased need for the performance of complex dental treatment in elderly patients. Root canal therapy is an essential phase of such treatments. Elderly patients may exhibit one or more systemic conditions that require special care, in addition to other changes that occur within the dentition and oral mucosa as a result of aging. These make root canal treatment in elderly patients a great challenge. The aim of this review was to characterize pathologic and physiologic changes in elderly patients that can interfere with root canal treatment procedures, as well as attitudes of elderly patients toward such treatment, guidelines and clinical considerations for management of root canal treatment in elderly patients.