PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Atilgan, Cemile U. AU - Guven, Dilek AU - Akarsu, Ozge P. AU - Sakaci, Tamer AU - Sendul, Selam Y. AU - Baydar, Yasemin AU - Atilgan, Kadir G. AU - Turker, Ibrahim C. TI - Effects of hemodialysis on macular and retinal nerve fiber layer thicknesses in non-diabetic patients with end stage renal failure AID - 10.15537/smj.2016.6.13928 DP - 2016 Jun 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 641--647 VI - 37 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2016 Jun 01; 37 AB - Objectives: To evaluate the thicknesses of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and macula by fourier-domain (FD) optical coherence tomography (OCT) in non-diabetic patients with end-stage-renal-failure (ESRF) undergoing hemodialysis (HD).Methods: This is a prospective and observational study. Both eyes of 20 patients receiving HD (group 1) and 34 control patients (group 2) were evaluated by FD-OCT. Macular and RNFL thicknesses were compared between groups and their correlation with age, duration of HD, and gender were examined. In group 1, macular and RNFL thicknesses were evaluated before and shortly after HD in the first day, first and sixth months.Results: In group 1, pre-HD temporal, inferior, average RNFL thicknesses were thinner than group 2. This thinning did not correlate with duration of HD, age and gender. Pre-HD macular thicknesses were thinner than group 2. These thinnings did not correlate with age, but the thinnings at superior, nasal and average thickness correlated negatively with duration of HD. Nasal, temporal, and average macular thicknesses were thinner in female patients. The thickenings of RNFL and macula that were observed in the after HD first day and first month did not showed consistency in the sixth month except superior quadrant RNFL.Conclusion: Macular and RNFL thicknesses of patients receiving HD were less than the normal population. Age has no effect on these thinnings. The duration of HD affects more than gender. Hemodialysis session causes a consistent increase in superior quadrant RNFL.