PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Al-Hummayani, Fadia M. TI - Pseudo Class III malocclusion AID - 10.15537/smj.2016.4.13685 DP - 2016 Apr 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 450--456 VI - 37 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2016 Apr 01; 37 AB - The treatment of deep anterior crossbite is technically challenging due to the difficulty of placing traditional brackets with fixed appliances. This case report represents a none traditional treatment modality to treat deep anterior crossbite in an adult pseudo class III malocclusion complicated by severely retruded, supraerupted upper and lower incisors. Treatment was carried out in 2 phases. Phase I treatment was performed by removable appliance “modified Hawley appliance with inverted labial bow,” some modifications were carried out to it to suit the presented case. Positive overbite and overjet was accomplished in one month, in this phase with minimal forces exerted on the lower incisors. Whereas, phase II treatment was performed with fixed appliances (braces) to align teeth and have proper over bite and overjet and to close posterior open bite, this phase was accomplished within 11 month.