RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 An unusual case of bezoar from Sudan JF Saudi Medical Journal JO Saudi Med J FD Prince Sultan Military Medical City SP 189 OP 191 VO 35 IS 2 A1 Abdel-Rahman, Nada H. A1 Ahmed, Awad M. YR 2014 UL http://smj.org.sa/content/35/2/189.abstract AB Pica is an abnormal eating behavior in which patients persistently eat non-food materials, which can lead to health consequences. A man presented complaining of several months of back pain and constipation without vomiting, abdominal pain, or distension. He experienced increasing social isolation and emotional lability over 5 years. Radiological findings confirmed the diagnosis, noting multiple radiopaque foreign bodies. Several types of pica are described based on the substance consumed. Bezoars may develop in the gastrointestinal tract as a result of these ingestions. Lithobezoars are rare types of bezoars, more common in males and psychiatric patients. An important clue to the diagnosis of lithobezoars is severe constipation, recurrent abdominal or back pain, and painful defecation. The diagnosis might not be made for years if such symptoms are not related to careful history, abdominal examination, or radiological findings.