PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Farsi, Deema J. AU - Ahmed, Muhammad M. TI - Natal and neonatal teeth DP - 2014 May 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 499--503 VI - 35 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2014 May 01; 35 AB - Natal teeth (teeth present at birth) and neonatal teeth (teeth observed in the first 30 days of life) are uncommon. They may cause feeding problems and ulcerations on the ventral surface of the tongue. They can also be alarming to parents and cause discomfort with breastfeeding. A review of literature was conducted to review their etiology, significance, and clinical features with special emphasis on the complications and management. The opportunity of establishing a dental home through the early dental visits was highlighted. Furthermore, this case report details the examination and management of a 24-hour old neonate with 2 neonatal teeth. Natal teeth, although uncommon, are best referred to pediatric dentists for investigation and management.