RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Prevalence of mycobacteria in water reservoirs of Albaha, Saudi Arabia JF Saudi Medical Journal JO Saudi Med J FD Prince Sultan Military Medical City SP 466 OP 471 VO 35 IS 5 A1 Alqumber, Mohammed A. YR 2014 UL http://smj.org.sa/content/35/5/466.abstract AB OBJECTIVE: To investigate for the presence of mycobacteria at water dams of Albaha, Saudi Arabia.METHODS: An epidemiological study was conducted between 20 - 30 June 2013 in the Albaha region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Five hundred and twenty samples (sand, wet stones, clay, and decayed vegetation) were collected from 13 dams in the region. These locations were: 3 dams from Alaqiq city (Thrad, Alaqiq, and Almshereq); 4 dams from Almandaq city (Almudlamat, Alkhrar, Alsader, and Medhas); one dam from Albaha city (Shehba'a); and 5 dams from Baljerashi city (Alzarawah, Alareshaen, Almatwah, Alheajh, and Almarbah). Samples from these locations (n=520) were inoculated on Lowenstein-Jensen media. The isolated Mycobacterium (M.) obtained were identified by standard culture, enzymatic tests, biochemical characteristics, comparison of mycolic acid profiles, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and restriction fragment patterns of the hsp65 gene polymerase chain reaction product.RESULTS: Mycobacterium isolates were recovered from 79% of the samples obtained from all types of samples and locations. A total of 145 of the isolates were found to belong to the 11 Mycobacterium species: 5 M. intracellulare, 8 M. abscessus, 9 M. szulgai, 12 M. fortuitum, 12 M. avium, 14 M. kansasii, 15 M. simiae, 15 M. gordonae, 16 M. terrae complex, 18 M. chelonae, and 21 M. malmoense.CONCLUSION: Mycobacterium species is present at high percentages in Albaha dams. The findings support a nationwide study to understand the clinical importance of environmental Mycobacterium in Saudi Arabia.