PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - AlShail, Essam AU - De Vol, Edward AU - Yassen, Ahsan AU - Elgamal, Essam A. TI - Epidemiology of neural tube defects in Saudi Arabia DP - 2014 Dec 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - S68--S71 VI - 35 IP - Supplement 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2014 Dec 01; 35 AB - OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the distribution and pattern of neural tube defects in Saudi Arabia by creating a hospital based registry.METHODS: All cases registered in the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center (KFSH&RC) neural tube defect (NTD) registry since it was established in October 2000 until December 2012 were studied through active surveillance comprising a registrar who collects NTD information by reviewing the patient's medical records, and interviewing patient's families.RESULTS: The total number of patients registered from October 2000 to December 2012 was 718 patients. There were more females (417, 58%) than males (301, 42%). Of 620 mothers who underwent antenatal ultrasonography; 392 (63%) were diagnosed at birth, and 204 (33%) were diagnosed with antenatal hydrocephalus. In our registry sample, most mothers (95%) did not take folic acid 3 months prior to pregnancy, and 76% did not take folic acid during the 3 months after conception with the affected child. Only 5% received folic acid prior to conception.CONCLUSION: The KFSH&RC-NTD registry has met its objectives as a source of data that may significantly contribute to the prevention of NTDs, and improving quality of care for NTD patients through active publication of registry findings and management approaches.