RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Myelolipoma of the adrenal gland diagnosis and management JF Saudi Medical Journal JO Saudi Med J FD Prince Sultan Military Medical City SP 457 OP 459 VO 22 IS 5 A1 Soliman, Hisham E. A1 Zein, Tawfik A. A1 Milad, Moheb F. A1 Hussein, El-Sayed A. A1 Al-Tartir, Tareq M. A1 Al-Khudairy, Nail N. A1 Sidani, Mostafa YR 2001 UL http://smj.org.sa/content/22/5/457.abstract AB Myelolipoma of the adrenal gland is a rare benign tumor. It is diagnosed incidentally in most cases because of its non-functioning nature, unless it causes symptoms due to its size. It has specific sonographic and computed tomographic features. A case is presented, magnetic resonance findings are reported for the first time and a review of the literature is conducted.