PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Sobande, Adekunle A. AU - Al-Bar, Hassan M. AU - Archibong, Eric I. AU - Sadek, Ali A. TI - Efficacy and acceptability of depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate injection As a method of contraception in Saudi Arabia DP - 2000 Apr 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 348--351 VI - 21 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2000 Apr 01; 21 AB - OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy and acceptability of Depo-Medroxyprogesterone acetate (depo-provera) among the women using that method of contraception at King Faisal Military Hospital in the south-west region of Saudi Arabia.METHODS: A preliminary retrospective and questionnaire analysis of 165 Saudi women who had depo-provera as a method of contraception at the contraception clinic of King Faisal Military Hospital over a period of 2 months.RESULTS: The mean age of the women was 31.21 years and the mean parity 6.77. There was no pregnancy reported during the period of use of the contraceptive method which ranged from 3 months to 7.25 years. The side effects were mainly irregular spotting (69%), continuous bleeding per vaginam (7%), amenorrhoea (8%) and menorrhagia (1%). The rest reported normal menstrual pattern. Irregular spotting was common in women who had used the method for less than 2 years while amenorrhoea was the most common menstrual abnormality after 3 years of use. The other complaints included weight gain, loss of hair, abdominal pain and backache. The side effects were not acceptable to 4% of the women and they tried other methods of contraception. Thirteen percent of the women became pregnant after stopping the injections within intervals varying between 6 months to 2 years. Seventeen percent were using the method for the 2nd time.CONCLUSION: Depo-provera is a very effective form of contraception in our community. While a few of the patients (4%) in our series would try other methods if not happy with the side effects, the majority were prepared to cope with the side effects as long as the desired prevention of pregnancy was guaranteed. Further studies are needed to validate these findings.