PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Al-Gindan, Yousef M. AU - Al-Sulaiman, Abdulsalam A. AU - Al-Faraidy, Abdulatif TI - Undergraduate curriculum reform in Saudi Medical Schools. Which direction to go? DP - 2000 Apr 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 324--326 VI - 21 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2000 Apr 01; 21 AB - Curriculum reform in undergraduate medical education is quite essential for the success of the educational process. Saudi medical schools have been involved in curriculum reform over the past 2 decades. Review of the existing literature identifies the following as problems with today's curriculum including: Overcrowding of the curriculum, over presentation of some subjects, presence of relatively non-relevant subjects, dissociation between basic and clinical sciences, repetition of lectures and exams, need for new subjects of clinical relevance, predominantly hospital based medical education with minimal community-based practice, as well as non-optimal use of resources. The authors put forth suggestions for reform of the current curriculum to meet today's problems and future demands.