PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Mutairi, Sajed M. TI - Tracing medical information over the Internet DP - 2000 May 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 421--423 VI - 21 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2000 May 01; 21 AB - The Internet became with do doubt a huge and valuable source of information for researchers. The wealth of information on the Internet is second to none and medical information is no exception. Yet with the vast expansion of the Internet and the World Wide Web in specie, to find the kind of information one is looking for, he/she needs to browse thousands of web sites and the experience would be like digging into a stack of hay looking for a needle. That's why search engines and subject indexes, as means to overcome this problem, were introduced and grew so rapidly. In general, there are three approaches to retrieve data from the World Wide Web; the subject directories, search engines and detailed subject indexes. However, there is no single comprehensive search engine or directory and it is recommended to use more than one with different keywords and synonymous.