RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Growth hormone. Do we have a national perspective of indications for its use? JF Saudi Medical Journal JO Saudi Med J FD Prince Sultan Military Medical City SP 536 OP 538 VO 21 IS 6 A1 Al-Herbish, Abdullah S. A1 Al-Jurayyan, Nasir A. A1 Abobakr, Abdullah M. A1 Al-Nuaim, Abdulrahman A. YR 2000 UL http://smj.org.sa/content/21/6/536.abstract AB OBJECTIVE: Presentation of indications for growth hormone use in children, from the view of physicians practising in Saudi Arabia.METHODS: A questionnaire containing a list of common possible indications of growth hormone use was collected from 52 physicians practising in Saudi Arabia who were attending a didactic endocrinology course.RESULTS: All (100%) physicians considered growth hormone deficiency to be an indication. Sixty four and 29% considered Turner's syndrome and chronic renal failure to be indications. Other indications included Russell-Silver syndrome in 23%, X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets in 10%, Achondroplasts in 10%, Sickle cell anemia in 10% and Bartter's syndrome in 2%. Genetic and constitutional short stature were considered in 17 and 19%. Only 65% did not advocate the use of growth hormone for short non-growth hormone-deficient children.CONCLUSION: Indications of growth therapy are not clearly defined in Saudi Arabia. It is indicated to define this by a clear, national decided criteria which should take into consideration the internationally approved indications, availability and cost of this hormone.