PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Al-Batniji, Fatma S. AU - Mahmoud, Madeha A. AU - Van Dijken, Pieter J. AU - Al-Asiri, Rizgullah H. AU - Al-Swaid, Abdulrahman F. AU - Al-Marshedy, Abdulrahman M. TI - A new autosomal recessive syndrome. Early onset of pancytopenia, distinct facial features, growth retardation and developmental delay DP - 2001 Dec 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1122--1126 VI - 22 IP - 12 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2001 Dec 01; 22 AB - The association of dysmorphic features and failure of one or more bone marrow cell lines is well known. Examples are Fanconi's anemia and Diamond-Blackfan anemia. This report describes 3 similarly affected children from consanguineous parents, all showing low birth weight, severe growth retardation, distinct facial features, microcephaly, mental retardation and onset of severe pancytopenia in infancy without increased chromosomal breakage. We conclude that these cases represent a new familial autosomal recessive bone marrow failure syndrome.