PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Al-Ayadhi, Laila Y. TI - Sex hormones, personality characters and professional status among Saudi females DP - 2004 Jun 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 711--716 VI - 25 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2004 Jun 01; 25 AB - OBJECTIVE: The relationship between male and female sex hormones (testosterone, estradiol and progesterone), personality characters and professional status was studied.METHODS: The study was conducted in Riyadh City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between September 2003 and May 2003. The participants completed a questionnaire consisting of personal information regarding age, profession, educational level and medical history. Then the participant went through an adjective checklist. Hormones were determined from blood samples provided by the participant.RESULTS: The result indicated that the higher the professional levels, the higher was the testosterone concentrations, but not estradiol or estrogen concentration. Furthermore, females with higher testosterone concentration (university lecturers, bank managers, bank employee, medical doctors and technical workers) identify themselves as independent, strong, assertive, impulsive, resourceful, spontaneous, uninhibited, rational, patient and arguing. Whereas, females with lower testosterone concentrations (housewives and clerical workers) view themselves as civilized, socialized, calm, quite, sentimental, shy, nice, sensitive, warmhearted, sympathetic, thoughtful, warm, practical and kind.CONCLUSION: The current study emphasizes the positive relationship between strong personality characters, high professional status and male sex hormone level (testosterone) in females.