PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Khan, Mearaj U. AU - Saidy, Khalid M. AU - Ousulimane, Djamal M. AU - Khan, Mohammad D. TI - Posterior mediastinal gastoenteric cyst in neonate DP - 2004 Jul 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 955--957 VI - 25 IP - 7 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2004 Jul 01; 25 AB - Posterior mediastinal enteric cysts are infrequently reported. They are mostly asymptomatic 1. The incidence of gastroenteric cysts presenting during immediate neonatal period is rare. Alimentary tract duplications are other rare congenital anomalies and are commonly seen in relation to the ileum. However, the high incidence of associated thoracic or cervical vertebral anomalies with foregut cysts provide an early clue to the diagnosis 2. A detailed timely antenatal scan can increase the awareness regarding such rare condition and help in diagnosis and better outcome. The purpose of this case report is to highlight the clinical diagnosis and management of a neonate with posterior mediastinal gastroenteric cyst.