PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Al-Hawsawi, Zakaria M. AU - Hummaida, Tariq I. TI - Splenic abscess in childhood B-Thalassemia Major DP - 2002 Mar 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 345--347 VI - 23 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2002 Mar 01; 23 AB - Splenic abscess is a rare complication of thalassemia major. In this paper we report a 10-year-old male thalassemic child with splenic abscess. He presented with high-grade fever, abdominal pain and tender splenomegaly. The diagnosis was confirmed by ultrasonography and computerized tomography scan of the abdomen. The patient underwent emergency splenectomy.