PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Al-Fifi, Suliman H. AU - Al-Qahtani, Saeed M. AU - Al-Binali, Ali M. AU - Annobil, Samuel H. TI - An unusual complication of sternal and clavicle osteomyelitis in a child with sickle cell disease DP - 2002 May 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 589--590 VI - 23 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2002 May 01; 23 AB - We report an unusual child with sickle cell disease, in which osteomyelitis of the sternum and clavicle was diagnosed at the same time. The standard x-ray failed to demonstrate the lesion. Magnetic resonance imaging was very helpful in locating the site and degree of involvement. We recommend the use of magnetic resonance imaging to delineate such findings.