RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Ingested chicken bone leading to aorto-esophageal fistula JF Saudi Medical Journal JO Saudi Med J FD Prince Sultan Military Medical City SP 1442 OP 1444 VO 26 IS 9 A1 Shatnawi, Nawaf J. A1 Bani-Hani, Kamal E. YR 2005 UL http://smj.org.sa/content/26/9/1442.abstract AB We report a 38-year-old male patient who was referred to King Abdullah University Hospital, Irbid, Jordan with massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The bleeding proved to be due to aorto-esophageal fistula caused by accidental ingestion of a chicken wing bone 10 days earlier. The patient died during a salvage thoraco-laparotomy. Primary aorto-esophageal fistula is a very rare but catastrophic condition that is frequently missed preoperatively. A high index of suspicion is needed for early diagnosis, which might improve the chance of survival.