RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Primary amenorrhea. Varied etiology JF Saudi Medical Journal JO Saudi Med J FD Prince Sultan Military Medical City SP 1453 OP 1455 VO 26 IS 9 A1 Bhat, Sangeeta M. A1 Hamdi, Ilham M. YR 2005 UL http://smj.org.sa/content/26/9/1453.abstract AB Investigation of primary amenorrhea is usually initiated by the age of 14 years if there is delayed puberty absent secondary sexual characteristics and absent menses, or no menstruation within 4 years of the onset of adrenarche and thelarche. We established diagnosis in our 3 cases on the basis of chromosomal analysis, hormonal analysis, diagnostic laparoscopy, and histopathological examination of the samples biopsied. We identified 3 varied etiologies.