PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Sabir, Nuran AU - Yildirim, Basak AU - Cetin, Banu AU - Sengul, Mustafa AU - Alatas, Erkan TI - A rare presentation of hydatid cyst DP - 2005 Dec 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1986--1988 VI - 26 IP - 12 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2005 Dec 01; 26 AB - Hydatid disease, although known to occur in most body areas, is extremely rare in the female reproductive system. There are different modes of presentation for the disease; however, we report and discuss a case presented with cystic vesicles passing through the vagina, which is considered as a rare presentation for secondary involvement of the uterus and both ovaries. We confirmed diagnosis with radiological examinations and serological tests. We operated on the patient, and studied the excised cysts microscopically. The gynecologist should be aware of hydatid cyst when vaginally passing a grape like vesicle is presented by the patient.