PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Abdul-Aziz, Khalil AU - Faizal, Abdul-Aziz TI - Serological diagnosis of autoimmune hepatobiliary diseases DP - 2005 Dec 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1875--1881 VI - 26 IP - 12 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2005 Dec 01; 26 AB - Autoimmune hepatobiliary diseases AIHBD comprise autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis and the overlap syndromes. Early diagnosis and treatment of AIHBD are essential for the prevention of the high morbidity, and mortality, that is, otherwise, associated with untreated patients. Screening for AIHBD relies heavily on the use of serological tests for the detection of serum autoantibodies that associate with the diseases. Understanding these tests, and the results produced, is important for the efficient diagnosis/exclusion of these diseases. In this review, we discuss the various tests available in the clinical immunology laboratory for screening of AIHBD and comment on the significance of the results produced by each test. We hope that this review will highlight this group of autoimmune diseases and lead to more efficient and earlier diagnosis, and treatment, of patients with AIHBD.