PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Kamal, Baher A. AU - Ali, Gaber A. AU - Taha, Saud A. TI - Prostate specific antigen reference ranges in Saudi men DP - 2003 Jun 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 665--668 VI - 24 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2003 Jun 01; 24 AB - OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to find out the age-specific and population-specific values of prostate specific antigen (PSA) among Saudi men. Normal values for different age groups between 40 and 89 years will be obtained.METHODS: The study was conducted in King Fahd Hospital of the University, Al-Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The total free and percent free PSA were measured for Saudi men who were free of prostate cancer by digital rectal examination (DRE) and with PSA value of <4ng/ml. Transrectal ultrasonography and needle biopsy were performed in those with suspicious DRE or PSA >4ng/ml. A total of 567 cancer free Saudi men were included in this study. All men were divided into 5 groups; each 10 years interval starting from the age of 40 years.RESULTS: The mean values of total PSA were 0.87 for men 40-49 years, 1.36 for men 50-59 years, 1.81 for men 60-69 years, 2.32 for men 70-79 years and 2.36 for men 80-89 years. The percent free PSA was >30% in all age groups. When those with PSA <4ng/ml were considered, the percent free PSA was the same and only 16.6% of them had a ratio of < / =18%. The upper limit of normal PSA was near to that of Chinese and Korean.CONCLUSION: Normal mean PSA values for Saudi men are lower than the reported values. The percent free PSA for men having PSA <4ng/ml is applicable. Racial variations of PSA values were observed.