PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Akbar, Daad H. AU - Al-Shehri, Halia Z. AU - Al-Huzali, Amani M. AU - Falatah, Hind I. TI - A case of Rifampicin induced pseudomembraneous colitis DP - 2003 Dec 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1391--1393 VI - 24 IP - 12 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2003 Dec 01; 24 AB - We report a case pf pseudomembranous colitis that developed in a patient with tuberculous abdominal lymphadenopathy during treatment with rifampicin. The patient had delayed presentation (3 months) after the start of rifampicin. She had one relapse after 2 months that was successfully treated, and she finished her antituberculosis therapy without any further relapses. Awareness of this serious complication of rifampicin therapy should be encountered.