PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Gowri, Vaidyanathan AU - Al Busaidi, Fikra AU - Nirmala, Vadakkepat AU - Kaur, Surjeet TI - Benign mullerian type cyst of the uterus in a perimenopausal woman DP - 2003 Dec 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1400--1401 VI - 24 IP - 12 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2003 Dec 01; 24 AB - A perimenopausal patient presented with a history of irregular vaginal bleeding. Clinical examination revealed lower abdominal mass, and the pre operative diagnosis was an ovarian cyst. At laparotomy the ovaries and tubes were normal, and the cyst was anatomically attached to the uterus with a short pedicle. There was no obvious sign of malignancy at laparotomy. The histopathology of the cyst was a benign Mullerian type cyst. Bilateral tubal ligation performed at the same time revealed normal fallopian tubes. The patient was followed up 6 weeks and 6 months later, and she remains symptom free. The unusual anatomical location of the cyst is discussed.