PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Oz, Goksen AU - Uzun, Sennur AU - Dal, Didem AU - Akinci, Seda B. AU - Aypar, Ulku TI - Comparative assessment of induction efficacy of propofol preparations DP - 2007 Jul 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1055--1058 VI - 28 IP - 7 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2007 Jul 01; 28 AB - OBJECTIVE: To compare the hypnotic effects (using Bispectral Index [BIS]), hemodynamic parameters, injection pain and quality of anesthesia during induction of anesthesia of the 3 commercial propofol preparations (Abbott Propofol, Abbott Laboratories), Pofol (Dongkook Pharm. Co. Ltd.), and Propofol 1% Fresenius (Fresenius Kabi).METHODS: After Ethics Committee Approval, a prospective, randomized, double-blind study was designed in Hacettepe University Hospitals Operating Theaters in 2005. The patients aged 18-65 years, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) grades I and II scheduled for elective surgery under general anesthesia with orotracheal intubation. Ninety patients were randomized into 3 groups with 30 patients in each group. Propofol infusion rate was 2.5 mg. seconds-1. Induction time and doses to reach BIS level of 50 ± 10, injection pain, BIS values and hemodynamic parameters were recorded every minutes for the first 7 minutes and than every 2 minutes for 15 minutes. We used a special chart to assess the induction quality.RESULTS: Demographical parameters and ASA Physical status were similar in all groups. There were no significant differences in induction quality, induction time and doses, injection pain, BIS values and hemodynamic parameters.CONCLUSION: Abbott Propofol, Pofol and Propofol 1% Fresenius have similar effects on anesthesia induction quality and the cost should be taken into consideration when choosing the type of commercial formulation propofol emulsions.