PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Koc, Emine AU - Yavuzer, Sema A. AU - Can, Belgin AU - Ocakcıoglu, Banu AU - Ergun, Ahmet AU - Saran, Yuksel TI - Does N-acetylcysteine have an effect on acetylcholine-induced contractions and histopathological changes on isolated rat ileum? DP - 2007 Aug 01 TA - Saudi Medical Journal PG - 1180--1184 VI - 28 IP - 8 4099 - 4100 - SO - Saudi Med J2007 Aug 01; 28 AB - OBJECTIVE: To investigate the action of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on rat isolated ileal contractility, and to determine the effects of NAC on histopathological changes on ileal tissue.METHODS: The study took place at the Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, in January 2003. Adult Wistar rats were used in all experiments. Two groups were designed. The experimental group, to which NAC 0.5 g/Kg/day was administered orally by adding to their water for 7 days, and the control group to which only saline was administered. At the end of the experimental periods, one cm pieces of terminal ileum segments were removed for testing ileal contractility, and one cm pieces of ileum segments were removed for histopathological experiments. The acetylcholine (ACh)-induced contraction was recorded, and the ileal tissue examined using light and electron microscopic technics for histopathological changes.RESULTS: The average peak amplitude of ACh-induced contraction recorded in standard tyrode solution of the experimental group was decreased significantly when compared to the control group in standard and calcium-Free tyrode solution. On histopathological findings, there were swollen mitochondria with disturbed cristae in the ileal muscle.CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that the NAC in the present experiment decreased the ACh-induced contractility on rat-isolated ileum.