Table 1

- Demographic characteristic of abortus imminens (AI) and control patients.

CharacteristicsAI group (n=52)Control group (n=50)P-value
Age (year), mean±SD (min-max)30.1±5.8 (20-41)29.6±6.1 (21-41)0.6743*
BMI (kg/m2), mean±SD (min-max)23.2±2.5 (19.2-28.9)23.6±2.9 (18.5-29.3)0.4667*
Gestational Age (weeks), mean±SD9.1±1.58.3±1.50.1404*
Gravidity (n), mean±SD2.2±1.12.3±1.10.7554*
Parity (n), mean±SD0.6 ±0.90.7±0.80.7038*
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg), mean±SD109.4±13.6107.6±10.90.4585*
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg), mean±SD71.9±7.770.6±7.50.3821*
Plasma glucose levels (mg/dL), mean±SD79.1±7.277.9±8.40.4562*
Type of vaginal bleeding (n)
  Like a menstruation8  
Presence of pelvic pain (n)
  Yes150< 0.0001
Presence of abdominal cramp (n)
  Yes210< 0.0001
Spontanous abortion (n)
  • * Student t-test,

  • Chi-squared test, BMI: body mass index