Table 4

- Responses to the main ways in which people are currently getting infected with the COVID-19. Respondents could choose more than one or all options from the following options.

Eating or touching bats24316.9
Fecal contaminants in drinking water775.4
Unhygienic preparation of food21014.6
Sexual intercourse or sharing of needles for drug use17512.2
Mosquito bites322.2
Droplets of saliva that land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby when an infected person sneezes or coughs133893.2
Eating under cooked meat products1319.1
Directly coming into touch with someone’s bodily fluids like blood, vomit, or sweat49434.4
Coming into contact with camels372.6
  • Values are presented as number and percentages (%).