Table 1

- Features of hypofractionation regimens.

Survey questions and response(s)n (%)
The following is a reason not to hypofractionate*
Nodal irradiation, with or without InM radiation4 (16.7)
DCIS3 (12.5)
Postmastectomy2 (8.3)
InM radiation6 (25)
Immediate reconstruction11 (45.8)
Skin involvement3 (12.5)
None6 (25)
Other2 (8.3)
Dose (Gy/F)
42.4/165 (20.8)
40/1518 (75)
Other1 (4.2)
Boost dose (Gy/F)
2.0012 (50)
2.512 (50)
Organs at risk constraints
I use the exact same constraints as conventional fractionation13 (54.2)
I change the dose parameters based on the EQD2 calculation6 (25)
I follow a certain institutional or trial protocol5 (20.8)
  • * Multiple responses allowed. InM: internal mammary, DCIS: ductal carcinoma in situ, EQD2: equivalent dose in 2 Gy fraction