Table 1

- Distribution of sociodemographic characteristics of study participants, exposure to depression risk factors, and its association with severity of depression among adolescent students in Riyadh (n=960).

VariablesDepression Status n (%)
Mild n=649 (67.6)Moderate n=194 (20.2)Severe n=117 (12.2)P-value
12-15340 (73.3)75 (16.2)49 (10.6)0.002*
16-19309 (62.3)119 (24)68 (13.7)
Male379 (76.9)73 (14.8)41 (8.3)0.000*
Female270 (57.8)121 (25.9)76 (16.3)
Intermediate school314 (71.4)75 (17.0)51 (11.6)0.051
Secondary school335 (64.4)119 (22.9)66 (12.7)
School type
Public216 (60)97 (26.9)47 (13.1)0.004*
Private433 (72.2)97 (16.2)70 (11.7)
Mother education level
Low191 (64.1)67 (22.5)40 (13.4)0.186
High305 (66.7)95 (21.0)56 (12.3)
Not known153 (74.6)32 (15.1)21 (10.2)
Father education level
Low83 (53.5)48 (31.0)24 (15.5)0.004*
High431 (70)110 (17.9)75 (12.2)
Not known135 (71.4)36 (19.0)18 (9.5)
Parents Status
Married597 (68.6)172 (19.8)101 (11.6)0.031*
Divorce36 (57.1)13 (20.6)14 (22.2)
One or both died16 (59.3)9 (33.3)2 (7.4)
Internet Use
0-2 hours108 (75.5)20 (14.0)15 (10.5)0.000*
3-4 hours197 (75.2)47 (17.9)18 (6.9)
>5 hours344 (62)127 (22.9)84 (15.1)
Video Games
0-2 hours461 (67.3)143 (20.9)81 (11.8)0.169
3-4 hours111 (73.5)26 (17.2)14 (9.3)
>5 hours77 (62.1)25 (20.2)22 (17.7)
Relationship with family
Poor5 (14.7)9 (26.5)20 (58.8)0.000*
Somewhat good78 (36.8)76 (35.8)58 (27.4)
Very good566 (79.3)109 (15.3)39 (5.5)
Relationship with friends
Poor15 (37.5)9 (22.5)16 (40.0)0.000*
Somewhat good109 (53.7)53 (26.1)41 (20.2)
Very good525 (73.2)132 (18.4)60 (8.4)
Physically Active
Yes259 (75.7)59 (17.3)24 (7.0)0.000*
No390 (63.1)135 (21.8)93 (15.0)
Experienced physical violence by a parent
Yes70 (42.9)44 (27.0)49 (30.1)0.000*
No579 (72.6)150 (18.8)68 (8.5)
Experienced emotionally abused by a parent
Yes101 (39.1)83 (32.2)74 (28.7)0.000*
No548 (78.1)111 (15.8)43 (6.1)
The difficulty level in doing daily tasks or get along with people
Not difficult at all401 (88.3)40 (8.8)13 (2.9)0.000*
Somewhat difficult234 (56.5)122 (29.5)58 (14.0)
Very difficult12 (17.1)29 (41.4)29 (41.4)
Extremely difficult2 (9.1)3 (13.6)17 (77.3)
  • Data is presented as numbers and percentages (%). *Statistically significant p<0.05