Table 1

- Demographic and clinical data of the studied groups (N=150).

DemographicRheumatoid arthritis patientsGroup III (Control) (n=50)Test of significanceP-value
Group I (n=50)Group II (n=50)
Age (year) (mean±SD)39.7 ± 7.836.0 ± 10.438.5 ±
Gender (%)     
Male5 (10)4 (8)6 (12)0.3940.801
Female45 (90)46 (92)44 (88)  
No. of joints affected11.7 ± 3.611.1 ± 2.3-1.1510.558
Cardiac affection21-0.50.3
Pulmonary affection10-0.0011
GIT affection00 - 
Renal affection00 - 
DAS282.3 ± 0.754.4 ± 0.1-3.60.05
Data are expressed as mean ± SD for quantitative data or number percentage for qualitative data unless indicated. DAS-28: Disease Activity Score-28. p≤0.05 is significant.